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LRP Barricade Bag Waxed Canvas PRO GEN 2 /waxed/ Price: 65 EU
LRP Barricade Bag Waxed Canvas PRO GEN 2 /waxed/ Price: 65 EU

Generation 2 has been improved with longer Velcro straps. Long Range Precision (LRP) was founded by

BIG BAG XL                               Price-59€
BIG BAG XL Price-59€

Long Range Precision (LRP) was founded by former military, current hunters and long-range shooters.

Barricade Bag Camo.   Price: 34 EU
Barricade Bag Camo. Price: 34 EU

Long Range Precision (LRP) was founded by former military, current hunters and long-range shooters.

Precision rear rifle bag.   Price: 29 EU
Precision rear rifle bag. Price: 29 EU

Long Range Precision (LRP) was founded by former military, current hunters and long-range shooters.

Safety Flag/Mag AICS  Price - 29 €
Safety Flag/Mag AICS Price - 29 €

During a competition, safety is most important. This is the reason why we created this product, whic

Big Bag L. Биг Баг L                        Price: 51 EU
Big Bag L. Биг Баг L Price: 51 EU

Long Range Precision (LRP) was founded by former military, current hunters and long-range shooters.

Dual Cartridge Holder.
Dual Cartridge Holder.

Long Range Precision (LRP) was founded by former military, current hunters and long-range shooter

Animometar .Price:35 EU
Animometar .Price:35 EU

Digital anemometer. Wind speed and air temperature meter. Measures wind speed up to 30 m/s with 0.1

Zeroing Bag       Price: 34 EU
Zeroing Bag Price: 34 EU

Long Range Precision (LRP) was founded by former military, current hunters and long-range shooters.

Marker stickers for correction turrets Price: 5 EU
Marker stickers for correction turrets Price: 5 EU

Long Range Precision (LRP) was founded by former military, current hunters and long-range shooters.

Tank Trap Bag.   Price: 49 EU
Tank Trap Bag. Price: 49 EU

Long Range Precision (LRP) was founded by former military, current hunters and long-range shooters.

Основи на стрелбата на далечни разстояния
Основи на стрелбата на далечни разстояния

Нов и опростен начин да разбереш и придобиеш основни умения за стрелба на далечни разстояния. ВН

Adjustable Recoil Pad Bergara B14 HMR.  Price 70 EU
Adjustable Recoil Pad Bergara B14 HMR. Price 70 EU

To properly manage recoil, it needs to be applied to the weapon's line of sight.The company lrp-bg.c

Tuning Forend for  Bergara B14 BMP without weights Price 325€
Tuning Forend for Bergara B14 BMP without weights Price 325€

We at Long Range Precision always strive to create the most practical shooting accessories.As long-r

External weights М-LOK  2 Pieces ---- Price 48€
External weights М-LOK 2 Pieces ---- Price 48€

External weightsYou can instantly change the game by utilising external weights with M-LOK mounting.


Какво е по-важно: скоростта или посоката на вятъра?

И скоростта, и посоката на вятъра са критични фактори, но тяхната значимост се променя в зависимост от ориентацията на вятъра спрямо вашата траектория.

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