
Shooting mat and sand pad

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Dual Cartridge Holder.
Dual Cartridge Holder.

Long Range Precision (LRP) was founded by former military, current hunters and long-range shooter

Internal weights  2 Pieces ----- Price 48€
Internal weights 2 Pieces ----- Price 48€

Internal weights Internal weights are integrated into the LRP handguard. The weights will significa

External weights М-LOK  2 Pieces ---- Price 48€
External weights М-LOK 2 Pieces ---- Price 48€

External weightsYou can instantly change the game by utilising external weights with M-LOK mounting.

Tuning Forend for  Bergara B14 BMP without weights Price 325€
Tuning Forend for Bergara B14 BMP without weights Price 325€

We at Long Range Precision always strive to create the most practical shooting accessories.As long-r

Shooting mat and sand pad.   Price: 100 EU
Shooting mat and sand pad. Price: 100 EU

This sniper shooter’s mat was developed by T-Class competitors – it solves the typ